Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day

Memorial Day isn't just a day off work or a kick-off to summer. Memorial Day is just that, and day to Memorialize, REMEMBER those who have given so much for life as we know it.
Over the course of our Nation's history, over 1 million 250 thousand American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines have given their lives to protect this country and her people from "ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC"
That is a staggering number, yet, thus is war. And sometimes, war is a necessary evil, to ensure fore mentioned, life as we know it.
All too often, military service is a THANKLESS job, but where would we be without the billions of young men and women who answered the call of this GREATful (and sometimes ungreatful) Nation?
In my mind, every person who has ever donned the uniform of America's fighting men and women (and their families, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, children, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins) should be honored on Memorial Day, and Every day.


A Warrior fell today.
How he is remembered is up to you.
How will you remember him?

Will you remember the WARRIOR?
Will you remember the HUSBAND?
Will you remember the FATHER?
Will you remember the SON?
Will you remember the BROTHER?
Will you remember the FRIEND?

The WARRIOR stood before you and deflected the danger before it got to you.
He didn't ask for your thanks, he didn't ask for your praise. It was second nature to him. That this day might happen was before him, and still he stood there.

The HUSBAND was the man who loved his wife. He too stood before her and deflected danger from her. It was second nature to him, he did it without thinking. Her love for him was all the thanks he ever needed. He loved to make her happy.

The FATHER watched after his children. He watched them like a wolf protecting its litter. He delighted in their smiles and laughter; he enjoyed playing with them and making them happy. He made sure they had the best he could afford, going without himself to accomplish that goal; teaching them right and wrong, watching them grow.

The SON was the man who made his parents proud. He would do anything for them. They rejoiced in all he did, they helped him grow. They watched him transform into a man right before their eyes; moving from a baby to a little boy, to a teen, and into a man. He loved seeing his parents happy and always did his best. What he was and what he stood for made them proud.

The BROTHER was the man who watched after his siblings. He played with them and bickered with them as well. They didn't always agree, but they loved each other. He strived to help them, and they strove to help him. He loved to be around them and missed them when he couldn't be there. Their bond, no one could break.

The FRIEND was always there for you, you could count on him in a pinch, call him in the middle of the night and he always answered. He was there when you needed a shoulder to cry on, he was there to celebrate your accomplishments, he backed you up when you got in over your head. He asked for nothing in return.

Which part of him will you remember? I choose to remember them all. Each and every part made him what he was. I may have never met him, but a brother to me has been lost, he will always be remembered. My brother has fallen but he is not forgotten!
Let us all remember that FREEDOM IS NOT FREE!

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