Friday, February 8, 2008

How are you doing?

How are you doing? The million dollar answer is this: The first day hit like a ton of bricks. We all were physically and emotionally running on empty. I should be dehydrated from the river of tears. The Giggle Girls (Curly Top and Fuzz) have experienced butterflies in their stomach, headaches, and they can feel pieces of thier hearts, so for those nay-sayers that don't believe in broken hearts...ask 4 year olds, they understand the true emotion far better than an adult ever could. But, we are good. Today is a new day. Although I woke up longing to have Mountain Man beside me, longing to hear his voice proclaiming his love for me...I still felt him there in the pieces of my heart. I laid in bed willing myself to get up and get started, but unable to find the strength. Then...
"MAMA, I need some breakfast" echoed down the hallway.
In my misery, I found a way to smile. I got out of bed, walked down the hall, and standing there looking at me were the faces of angels.
"Morning, Mama, how was your night?" (Are these kids really only 4...they seem so much wiser than their years, old souls, who already know the answer, but know that you need to get it out before you explode)
"My night was alright sweet girl, what about yours?"
"I miss, Daddy, but I am happy today, are you happy too?"
Well, now that you mention it, I guess I am happy. I am happy that I married such an amazing man, who has poured his heart and soul into our little family, I am happy that I married a man who has so much integrity, so much love for his country that he can do what he does, no matter the cost, I am happy that I have these 2 amazing little girls to wake up to everyday, I am happy that Mountain Man and I have such loving families to cling to during this time, I am happy that I have been blessed with friends that love me enough to feed me dinner, watch my kids, and tell me to go cry it out, I am happy that I know the love and peace of GOD, and with HIM, I have the victory over the times when I am unhappy.
I am happy that we are 1 day closer to our reunion.

How are we? We are BLESSED. Our cups are overflowing.
I hope you all are the same.
Love to all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl this made me cry. I wish I was there for you and I could be your shoulder to cry on. But hey I am a phone call away.